
May 14, 20203 min

10 Tips To Less Stress

You may be thinking, “I don‘t need tips to help me not stress” I just need the stress to go away altogether... Well sis, that’s not exactly realistic, but how you choose to deal with it can definitely change and I want to help you.

Stress is not one of those topics we often like to discuss, actually we usually shut down or completely avoid it. But what good does that do for anyone... You kind of lead yourself into stressing even more and that’s no good for the mind, body, or soul. So today, I’m going to share 10, hopefully helpful tips to help you to stress less.

Worrying does not take away tomorrow’s troubles, it takes away today’s peace.

10 Tips to less stress

1. Stop fretting over life and LOOK for opportunites in life’s challenges.

Maybe you didn’t have the greatest childhood experiences, grew up with very little, no present mother or father, etc. Look at the positives definitell deal with and accept your story but then change the narrative. There’s an opportunity for you to help someone else experiencing the very same things.

2. Go for a walk

Allowing yourself to release in nature relaxes you. Soak up the sun, good vitamin D and allow your mind to be free. Good exercise is necessary for the body too, so this is all around therapeutic.

3. Focus more on the things you control

Unfortunately, if you’re anything like me and you like to control things, this is going to hit you hard. You can’t help or change ALL people, some people will be annoyed by you and some will be motivated by you. It is what it is.

4. Ask for help

Most look at this as weak because you need help. But actually not asking and trying to carry the load makes you weaker. Pick and choose your battles, I know we like to think we’re superhuman, but we can’t do ALL things, know when to get help or delegate.

5. Go to bed

Insomnia is the devil, we must rebuke it and get the rest our body requires. A good 7-8 hours is what they say is good but listen is you can get a good 5-6 with a 20 min, power nap, take it!

6. Create systems/ routines

This is so important, so that you’re not all over the place when it’s time to work. If you know what you’re going to do on what days, it’s easier for your brain to focus. Trying to dive into too many tasks at once is not productive neither will they be 100% fulfilled.

7. Volunteer for a good cause

Doing so, allows you to give back to your community and serve others. This is serving others to make their life easier and you’ll feel good about it. God says, “when receive, we shall give.”

8. Feel good intention

You should be definitely set something as your feel good intention rather that’s sitting on the couch to eat a bowl of ice cream, planning a solo trip, or even treating yourself to a new product.

9. Take a dance break/ listen to music

I don’t know about you, but I love to dance and it makes me feel so radiant. It uplifts my spirits and brings automatic joy.

10. Make someone else’s day

I saved this one for last because I challenge you to make someone’s day, a simple smile or compliment goes a super long way. You never know what someone else is enduring, so be the person to recharge their battery not drain it. ☺️

No, I’m not saying you’ll never endure a stressful moment again, but how you choose to deal with it, is solely up to you. So now, it’s time to make a commitment to yourself.

Today, I refuse to stress myself out about things I cannot control or change.

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