
May 1, 20203 min

10 Secrets of Happy People

Happy people are content with what they have and where they are + PTO quite frequently is required. Want to be happy? Check out the list and see what you’re doing or need to be doing.

Have you ever seen someone who always has a smile on their face, high energy and positive vibes and you wondered why are they so happy. Well friend, that’s because they’re careful of what they consume, they protect their energy and try to see the good in everything.

If you rush it, you’ll ruin it. Pray, Trust, and Obey!

It’s so important to understand that happy means delighted or pleased and the synonym is blessed. No matter how old you are or what stage of life you’re in, it’s important to find happiness in your situation. Today, I want to share 10 ways to be happy with what you have and where you are. I’m sure you can guess by now what the first three are but if not let me break it down.

1. Pray to your trusted counsel.

Happy people counsel their higher being for every movement in their life. It’s very easy to pray anytime and anywhere to gain clarity and/ or guidance.

2. Trust him with the outcome.

Happy people trust their higher being an not worry about things that are out of their control.

They understand that everything takes time and having faith means trust.

3. Obey the guidance he gives.

If he speaks to you and gives you direction then it’s simple, just obey because what you thought was best for you, probably wasn’t or isn’t.

4. Focus on the good and find gratitude everyday

Every morning focus your mind on the positive. Find at least three things you’re grateful for and write them down in your journal

5. Celebrate small wins

Naturally we’re happy when we accomplish something but don‘t get so caught up on the big goal that you forget to celebrate the small wins.

6. Stop dwelling on the past and don‘t focus on the future

Happy people live in the moment and appreciate where they are. Don’t dwell on what should have been or what could have been.

7. Your tribe creates your vibe

Happy people surround themselves with other happy and positive people. This is so important because it’s easy to pick up on any energy.

8. Be authentic and give compliments to others

Happy people are also nice people. If you’re happy with yourself then complimenting others takes nothing away from you. This actually makes you happier to see others happy.

9. Do things that brings you joy

Create a bucket list and start checking those things off. Happy people do things that bring them much joy. Find hobbies and activities you have a passion for, it’ll make you feel happier!

10. Mind the business that pays you

This is so straightforward ands simple! Stay out of other folks business and mind your own. Make sure you, your family, and you’re tribe are in tact before you try to save the world.


If you want to be happy, choose happiness

I want to remind you that you’re amazing and God uniquely created you, that‘s simply your gift. Don’t worry about how fast the world is moving around you, you’re exactly where you need to be in this season. God has a plan, that’s probably bigger than you ever imagined. You may be Delayed but you’re NOT Denied.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding; In all ways submit to him, and he will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3:5-7
